Friday, April 30, 2010

And, of course, in color!

What could possibly be more thrilling?

Monday, April 19, 2010


Giant Granny Panties!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Filter - Tax Day Edition (in which we didn't talk about Tax Day)

In case you didn't know, episodes of The Filter almost always cover four topics.

Today was a slow news day, but we still managed to get so hot under the collar about our first three topics that we ran long and never made it to the fourth, which was supposed to be the Tea Party phenomenon, and whether these guys were helping or hurting the Republican Party.

No matter, the first three were enough.

So come with me now, on a journey through Time and Space - oh wait, that's something completely else.

This is the April 15th episode of The Filter, broken into two segments as usual. And I even figured out how to embed them so you can watch from here!

Part One, in which I admit I am A JEW!

and Part Two, in which Charlotte and I debate return shipping policies on human beings (I'm against it).

(my what a lovely screen shot you harvested, Jared....)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

TS Eliot ... reads Prufrock

Oh, YouTube --

Is there anything you Don't have???


Tre may not.

Watched the pilot and was underwhelmed.

Expecting brass, got lead.

But The Wire was tough to get into too, and I think that's one if the
top five things ever on television, so I'll give Treme a little more


Watched it again, this time all the way through.

Upgraded to Tre Maybe.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Bikini I Ordered on Saturday

Unfortunately, No matter WHAT I do I will never be this awesome.

Heck the 'fro alone puts this chick into the stratosphere of coolness.

But I can wear the bikini.

And dream.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Anton LaVey

Friend, confidante, and today, Birthday Princess.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Even Nature's Assholes Have to Sleep Sometime


Turns out the little criminal had distemper.

Animal Control came and shot it!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

The iPad Cometh

So I know a lot of geeks.

Besides Xeni, who is cool beyond recordable temperature readings (she got an advance one), I was confident that at least one of my friends would have the iPad the moment it was released.

Guess what? I was right!

The story I got was that he was on his way to buy a juicer - yeah, that's the ticket - when he ran into a stranger at the mall. Said stranger was unmistakably carrying a still-warm iPad, when my friend approached and asked how bad the line was for them at the Apple store.

"No line at all," was the response, and well, I don't guess I have to tell you that my buddy Mike still doesn't have a juicer.

But he does have an iPad.

And he also has a Sprint Hotspot card, which means we all spent the better part of Sunday surfing with the iPad in a restaurant, at his house, and of course, while traveling well above the speed limit on the 405 (yay for high-speed iPad twittering).

Friends, I was prepared to pooh-pooh the Pad.

No camera (so no Skype), no Flash no 3G. "Too big to be small and too small to be big," said I, in general useless except as a toy, and of course the still-true-of-Apple rule "never buy the first iteration; it's only half-baked" - all of which vanished as soon as I held it and started messing with it.

The truth is that even in its infancy, this thing is mind-rippingly awesome.

Dumb iPhone apps I love (Koi Pond and that goddamned Bejeweled game) are downright thrilling at twice their size. And sorry, Kindle, but reading on this thing is just fantastic.

The size is perfect (smaller than I expected, so it really will fit in even a smallish handbag) and the image quality is surprisingly high-def. Watching movies or tv shows on this is a dream.

The clincher? How about being able to use That Squeezy Thing on the MAP app, having the map in a size you can actually SEE instead of squinting at your phone and swearing?

Dammit. Looks like they just sold me an iPad....

(well, maybe one of the third iterations)